Friday, April 5, 2013


What is Juice? A tasty and refreshing beverage concocted from any variety of fruits? Cran-Ras anyone? Well, it can be, but that's not what we're talking about here.

Juice is putting your knee to the board and grabbing the rail as a 10' right comes curling over your head. Paddling out with an offshore wind behind you. You come over the swell and the salt spray comes down all around you. Juice is the 8 wave set that rolls in after everyone has been sitting on the boards for the last 20 minutes. Just like that, guys are taking off, hooting and hollering as the those big rollers come crashing through, one right after another. It's electric.

Juice is a 90' cast that turns over perfectly and drops the fly directly in the seam.  Juice is the swing cut short by the solid take of a Wild Steelie that ain't messin' around. It's wading out in the half light of dawn, pulling out line, anything could happen. And really, just the fact that you're standing there is good enough, but still, you could end up kneeling in cold water holding 24" of Steelhead until it goes thrashing out of your shaking hands.

Juice is laying high snares over solid 4-on-the-floor beats. You drop that shit, and feel all the ants running around under your scalp.

Juice is that spot in the powerband between the top of 3rd and the bottom of 4th. Let out the clutch, and that bitch just pulls.

Juice is the first kiss on the REALLY cute girl that you've been crushing on FOREVER. Enough said.

Juice is Led Zepplin's "Heartbreaker".     Those first few chords. Yeah.

Juice is letting an attacker beat you, and then bringing your stick over his head and checking his back hand so hard that he loses the ball and his stick. Coach hates this move. Sorry coach, it's Juice.

Juice is a Kirby Morgan 2700 on your head as you're cutting steel with fire underwater.

Juice is the skate sessions we used to have in the concrete drainage behind King's Supermarket. 6 or 7 guys all on the same page, all pushing each other and ourselves. Your doing stuff you never even thought of before. Some of those guys we didn't even know, but it didn't matter at all, it was just flowing. Those were the sessions that went until it got so dark we couldn't see anything. No one wanted to stop.

Juice is pure awesomeness manifesting itself in your reality. When everything is dialing in, and you are in the center of the dial. It's just fucking clicking. As a general rule of thumb, if you've got goosebumps, you've likely got Juice. Simply put, Juice is why I get out of bed in the morning. Because really, no one ever got Juice in bed. Well,  not unless that REALLY cute girl stayed over.

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